After much hard work and planning, the first women's workshop has been given here at the ranch. We focused on mindfulness through learning breathing techniques and strategies for mindfulness. Then since this was a writing workshop we did some writing throughout the morning. It was really fun and inspiring for me to watch the women who attended as they interacted with my horses, Sonny and Buttercup. The women approached the horses who were loose in the arena and connected with them to practice some of the breathing techniques we had worked on earlier in the morning. There were so many deep and wise insights shared after the horse experience. Sonny and Buttercup were amazing learning assistants for the group. A great time was had by all and everyone went home with some practice materials to expand and continue their mindfulness practice outside of the workshop. I could not have asked for a better group of women to kick things off with. I'm definitely on the right path for me and look forward to many more wonderful workshops, classes, private coaching sessions, and retreats with various groups in the community. Before I close this post, I want to thank my husband, Tom for helping me build a new shade structure for the workshops, and for helping me get everything spic and span in our outdoor area. Thank you too, for reading this post and for the support of so many of you over the years. Blessings...